A web application that allows you to manage messages addressed to yourself from various chat apps in one app. Awarded the Best Award at Tech.SummerCamp 2024.
Peace Net API
Developed at GeekCamp Hackathon Vol.12. An API that aims for a peaceful internet. Also developed a management site for API key management and usage status confirmation, and a documentation site for API usage.
Slide Share Platform
A web application for sharing and managing slides presented in the LT circle.
Job Hunting Management App
A job hunting management app that manages company information and conducts AI ES correction and mock interviews. I participated in the Microsoft Seminar and developed it. I presented it at events several times and won the Microsoft Award. It was posted on Microsoft's web blog.
WebAR Mystery Game
A reasoning game using WebAR. By reading the markers scattered around the room, AR 3D models and clues to the case are displayed, aiming to solve the case. I exhibited it at the school festival and many people enjoyed it. In the participant survey, I won first place in the school.